

  • Every player must choose a game piece.
  • Previous teller must choose topic.
  • The teller should press hide when secretly shown their directions.
  • The teller should show the question to all other players.
  • Teller and investigator(s) have unlimited time to elaborate the story or ask follow up questions respectively.
  • If there are more than two players, the investigators must work together to come to a consensus about whether the teller is telling the truth or lying. Then the teller will input their guess.
  • If the investigator(s) are able to guess correctly if the teller is telling the truth or lie, the investgator(s) earn a point.
  • If the investigator(s) guess incorrectly, the teller gets a point.
  • After the investigator(s) guess, a new player is placed on the hot seat and becomes the teller.
  • The previous teller gets to choose the next topic for the new teller to answer.
  • The first player to achieve a set number of points (number of players + 1) wins.

Model of the game universe.

Think of it as a simulation of a world, how do all the pieces interact?

  • Players take turns being the teller every new round, as the game loops through the players in the order that they input their game piece choice.


How does the physical universe work? N/A


What is the economy of the game? How does it work?

  • Point system
  • The first player to achieve a set number of points (number of players + 1) wins.

Character movement in the game



  • Tap button for topic selection, hiding instructions, choosing game piece, choosing truth verdict, and continuing through game
  • Scroll through topics to view more options


Including whatever switches and buttons are used, interacting with objects, and what means of communication are used.

  • Buttons are pressed to select options displayed on screen(topic select, truth verdict, choose game piece, continuing).
  • Message is sent at the beginning of each new round to display who is the teller and how many points each player has.


If there is combat or even conflict, how is this specifically modeled?


Screen Flow

How each screen is related to every other and a description of the purpose of each screen

  • Get started screen is shown the first time a user starts to interact.
  • Detailed instructions are shown when bot is restarted.
  • Messages are sent throughout game to notify/inform players of game information.
  • Buttons are displayed for players to play game.

Game Options

What are the options and how do they affect game play? Flow of Gameplay:

  • User that starts can input number of players
  • Players can choose a unique game piece

Replaying and saving

  • Players can at any time press "New Game" in the bottom menu to restart
  • Players can at any time press "Restart Bot" in the bottom menu to restart and receive gameplay instructions.
  • Progress is saved in the game server at all points.

Cheats and Easter Eggs


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